We're doing everything we can to ensure a safe return to gymnastics!
Our classes maintain social distancing, personal sanitisation and cleaning procedures. Classes are non-contact and have been adapted and structured to ensure your child can continue to learn, develop and perfect their individual skills safely and without compromising any of the current rules in place.
Although it may not have been clear from government statements, gymnastics is one of the organised sports which is NOT included in the ‘rule of 6’ restrictions.
As we’re following all guidelines, rules and laws in order to ensure a controlled environment, our classes can continue to run (although this does mean smaller classes sizes and a few changes here and there).
We can also assure you that classes are still great fun and children are working away on their individual skills and progressing through their awards charts!
So please be assured that you can continue to bring your child to classes and help us provide some sense of normality in their lives as we all fight this together.