You leap across a huge drop like it isn't there, sprint up a vertical wall, then execute an epic back flip off the top.

Free G is about total freedom. Combining elements from martial arts and stunt performance as well as gymnastics, there are no rules or competitions.
You learn the tricks you want to learn, pick the lines you want to pick, and express yourself how you want!

What happens?
Classes often revolve around equipment arranged as obstacles or courses, with gymnasts learning impressive and creative ways to travel around.
Whether its running, rolling or jumping, this class is guaranteed to burn some energy and ‘release your freedom!’

Who is it for?
FreeG is open to children aged 4+ and perfect for those who are interested in Parkour, stunts and tricks!
Due to the nature of the class, a good standard of fitness is required.

Times & Cost
Reception to Year 3
Fridays 5.00pm - 6.00pm
Years 4 upwards
Fridays 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Classes are £22 per month.